In our limited perception of reality and the continuous influence of fictional, layered ‘digitalism’ and the artificiality one is confronted with day after day, an unreality of life itself is manifesting and taking it’s toll. The DISABILITY of society to overcome the babel complex, the confusion of tongues, is the fear of our diversity. The essence of live is change, the essence of evil is backwards. Because THIS is what you do not see. It’s what you carry inside and transcend to something haptic and only then recognize as real, while all other appearances are mirages and projections, nostalgias or resentiments - the ghosts of the underworld.
(In) The Abyssity Of The Grounds
... is a continuously shifting ensemble with an x-variable of members. Instead of working with a defined and static group which is focused on developing an interaction within a familiar environment, the ensemble works with a more organic process. Steadily establishing a language of empathy, connecting points of reference between a growing pool of artists, not bound by borders or locality but their definitions of realities within life, the world and their social constructs – Empathoharmonics.
Their first record GODS (2016), marking Linda Sharrocks return to the stage after a prolonged period of rehabilitation due to health related complications, featured 2 hours of music on a tripple vinyl limited edition of 300 pieces, released by Manchester based label Golden Lab Records, was featured in The Wire and sold out immediately in pre-order (still available online via Bandcamp).
Since 2011 (In) The Abyssity Of The Grounds is evolving and transforming around the nucleus of Linda Sharrock, Mario Rechtern & Margaret Unknown.

2016 II 24th
1 e u r y d i c e I 10:01
2 e u r y d i c e II 06:28
3 e u r y d i c e III 01:56
4 e u r y d i c e IV 15:04
5 e u r y d i c e V 14:27
6 e u r y d i c e VI 05:43
7 e u r y d i c e VII 11:50
8 a r i a d n e I 04:08
9 a r i a d n e II 07:03
10 a r i a d n e III 07:17
11 a r i a d n e IV 06:53
12 a r i a d n e V 14:52
13 a r i a d n e VI 12:46
Linda Sharrock: Voice
Mario Rechtern: Voice, Reeds, Violin
Margaret Unknown: Voice, Guitar, Electronics
Theresa Eipeldauer: Voice
Didi Kern: Voice, Drums
Recorded at Primitive Studiuos March 2015
Mixed at Primitive Studios by Daniel Schatz
Mastered at Botanic Audio by Dominic Tanner
Photographs by Apollonia Bitzan
Layout by Nick Mitchel
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B C I J L M U X ` a h j o p } Ç è î ï ó ò õ ú • ® ≠ ∞ µ ∂ ∏ π º Ω ∆ « … Õ — “ ‘ ◊ ⁄ €  Á Ú Û ¯ ¸ %+27BGU\ajovy|}Çáãåëíïñù°•¶´¨Æ∞¥µºæ¿¡«…ÀÖ—ÿfiÂÈÏ̈¯˚¸ˇt h i s h a p p e n s a g a i n a n d a g a i n , m a n y t i m e s . w h y ? N o i d e a : empathy ? or being tied up within this great isolation before.... as it comes then over and over on us all : intertwining , empatho-harmonical, tribal.... but behold : all parallel lines meet yet in the end- allways at the horizon or downwards in the abyssity of the grounds - in one point, how many gods or parallel lines they may ever be: by their being so many, we can see well, what vain dreams withhold them from us : horizons and depths of grounds, both are still very far, hence as many Ñgodsì: as parallel lines intertwinings empatho-harmonicals tribals.... $ ( - / 7 8 ; < > ? D E P Q V Z d f i j p s v w | Ç á â è ï õ † § • ® ≥ º ø ¬ √ « » À à “ ” ÿ Ÿ › fi „ ‰ Ë È Ï Ì ˘ ˙ Of course this is however also related to the eternal human migration, and its rejection, now and then , whenever the gods started to speak, stepping out of their stonecarved forms... for pragma , for which also linda sharrock stands (up) within her fate and (il)legal treatment , also with this scream since ever since throughout the mediteranian, and the everlasting grandmothergeneration concerning the perpetuous repetition of the problem and its eternal repulsation, with which any human and natural migration and its rejection now and then, again and again, are confronted, by their hosts ...: the ladder cannot see the situation by their selfemblinding, the first cannot articulate it, due to their trauma being violated off their rights through a related desinformation ....linda sharrock though could do so, but she is aphasic, which hence is not hazardious or accidental, as may be neither for in ex. the ancient oracle, la clairvoiente, in delphi or theresias otherwhere, or kassandra overseas and down in the vessel's haunted darkness, hence by the same reasons...and on what what is interpretated by the warning sights of the deaf or the blind ...or the aphasics #%&*+239?CGIJRTXYbcgkrw|}ÄÅÑäçëïóúù°¢•±¥µø¿¬ƒ… —÷›·‰ÂÌÓÒˆ˜˛",126<CEKNQRVW`adeqruv~Ääåêëîïòú°£™Æ≤≥µ∂π∫¡≈—“›fiÂÊËÈÒÚı˜˚˝ Only ancient as well as modern Ñgodsì are the ones that can reveal the Ñcircumsì just because they have created them and themselves and are recreating them and themselves again and again, playing with marked cards, to make shure, that the inevitable , which is their final loss of their power, will not happen. Of course the messenger and interprete then will be hung defamed or just locked in a home or by a hatecaust cast someplace else in custody.... thats why gods... who or what these gods are or not within the negativity of their shadows or the mirrors in the abyssity of their grounds seems more than clear: unlimited parallel lines that all project, measure , fail, harmonise, pro-portionise and idealise themselves onto the one , (point), - unknown to them - at the horizon to incarbonated, stonecarved codices of behavior and life, feasting their death- and funeral-cults of these thens of the then, instead of it (hence of the point of coincidence )..., while however having it (the point at the horizon or in the abyssity of the grounds under the grounds ) to its essence still far away off- and ever more far and farer in front and before and in a far future - off themselves.... this certainly will never change in any whatever terms....before or after knowing... so Ñgodsì intertwining empatho-harmonical tribal like the seas in the seas. 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2015 XII 12th The Wire "Linda Sharrock announces triple album..." ANNOUNCEMENT
2016 II The Wire Issue 384 "Linda Sharrock Defying disability..." REVIEW
2016 II 28th Nick Mitchel "The Cosmic Principle (NTS Manchester)" PODCAST
2016 III 10th Sheffield Live! "Peak Signal 2 Noise Series 2 Episode 6" VIDEO
2016 V 2nd Music Austria "(In) The Abyssity Of The Grounds - Gods" REVIEW
2016 VII Brian Beadie "The Return Of Linda Sharrock" REVIEW
2016 XII The Wire "Adventures In Sound And Music..." PLAYLIST
2016 XII 8th The Quietus "Complete Communion: The Best Jazz Of 2016" REVIEW
2017 XI 8th The Quietus "The Strange World Of... Linda Sharrock" REVIEW
2017 XI 14th WFMU "Avenue C with Bill Barnett" PLAYLIST
2018 II 6th The Quietus "LISTEN: Linda Sharrock Live At Le Guess Who? " AUDIO
2019 IV 15th Radiopopolare/Marcello Lorrai "Jazz Anthology – Linda Sharrock (1)" PODCAST
Didi Kern (drums, toys) AT
David Schweighart (drums) AT
Niki Dolp (drums) AT
Alessandro Vicard (double bass, electronics) IT
Katharina Ernst (drums, toys) AT
Rosi Rehformen (voice, cello) AT/HU
Bernd Klug (double bass) AT
David Villayleck (electronics) FR
Eric Zinmann (piano) US
Diego Mune (electric guitar) ARG
Philip Leitner (electronics) AT
Christine Schörkhuber (voice, DIY electronics) AT
Markus Krispel (reeds) AT
Manuel Mayr (double bass) AT
Markus Steinkellner (electric guitar) AT
Vid Drašler (drums) SLO
Gurcan Baltacilar (guitar) TR
Utku Tavil (drums) TR
Theresa Eipeldauer (voice) AT
Elsa Tootsie (bass, spring reverb, cymbals) AT
Michi Prehofer (drums) AT
Freya Edmondes (voice, synth) UK
Paul Gründorfer (electronics) AT
Stefan Nussbaumer (bass) AT
Peter Schlewinski (drums) DE
Karl H Bjorå (guitar) NOR
Farida Amadou (bass) BE
Bálazs Pándi (drums) HU
Stefan Voglsinger (electronics, 16mm projections) AT
Andy Menrath (drums) AT
Jasper Stadhouders (guitar) NL
Onno Govaert (drums) NL
Eric Arn (guitar) US
Christoph Weikinger (guitar) AT
Patrizia Ruthensteiner (knitting machine) AT
Michael Sarcault (video feedback projections) FR
Roy Culbertson III (overhead projections, lap steel, flutes, voice) US
Christian Hummer (piano) AT
Dario Fariello (reeds) IT
Sofi Fatouretchi (violin) AT/US
Philipp Moosbrugger (double bass) AT
Silvan Peter (drums) SWZ
Richard Taupe (piano) AT
Richard Bruzek (cello) AT
Martina Cizek (saxophone) AT
Maria Koller (lyric) AT
Adam Goodwin (double bass) US
Samuel Ebner (guitar) AT
Josh Drašler (bass) SLO
Kristof Hahn (slide guitar) DE
Yoyo Röhm (double bass) DE
Rudi Fischerlehner (drums) DE
Antti Virtalanta (double bass) FIN
Munsha (cello) IT
Andreas Stecher (drums) AT
Bob Rutman (bow chime, styrophone, chicken) DE
FABÍOLA (vocals, guitar) PT
Sofía Salvo (baritone saxophoe) ARG
Zsolt Sőrés (electro-acoustic viola) HU
2021 IX 11th DE Berlin Au Topsi Pohl Sharrock-Rechter-Unknown-Sundland-Gray
Fabíola (AV)
2021 IX 7th DE Berlin Petersburg Artspace Sharrock-Rechter-Unknown-Fabíola-Goodwin-Salvo-Sőrés-Busato
2021 VII 30th DE Munich Stadtmuseum München TAM TAM NACHTS Sharrock-Rechter-Unknown-Fabíola
2021 VI 12th AT Vienna Ankerbrotfabrik TAM TAM Sharrock-Rechter-Unknown
Psychedelischer Wien Spaziergang
2019 VI 7th AT Vienna Venster99 Die Akte mo.e Sharrock-Rechter-Leitner
"Protokolle einer abgesagten Zukunft"
2019 V 1st DE Berlin Cuore Di Vetro Rutman-Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown
2019 IV 30th DE Berlin Loophole Starling Murmurations Nr.32 Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Krispel-Virtalanta-Munsha-Stecher 2019 IV 29th DE Berlin Hangar 49 ANCESTRAL Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Hahn-Röhm-Fischerlehner
{The Sound of Furturo Remoto}
2018 X 12th AT Vienna Arena Unsafe&Sound Festival Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Zinmann-Culbertson-Arn-Ebner-V.Drašler& J.Drašler-Repeter-Hellweger-Gründorfer-Tavil-Cizek-Koller-Goodwin
2018 VIII 4th AT Vienna Gasthof Pension Lorenz Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Repeter–Taupe-Bruzek-Cizek
2018 VII 18th AT Vienna AU Furiosity Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Hellweger-Hummer-Fatouretchi- Moosbrugger-Culbertson
2018 VI 9th AT Vienna Sonnenland Grand Opening LABOA Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Drašler-Arn-Culbertson-Hummer-Fariello-
2017 XI 22th AT Vienna FLUC Café ¥€$!¥€$!¥€$! Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Drašler-Arn-Weikinger-Ruthensteiner- Voglsinger(AV)-Sarcault(V)-Culbertson(V)
2017 XI 12th NL Utrecht TIVOLI VREDENBURG LE GUESS WHO? FESTIVAL Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Amadou-Stadhouders-Govaert
2017 V 27th AT Vienna MO.E Himmelfahrt Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Gründorfer-Voglsinger-Menrath
2017 II 24th AT Vienna MO.E Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Leitner-Drašler
2016 IV 6th AT Vienna FLUC Café Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Gründorfer-Schlewinski
2016 II 22nd UK Glasgow THE POETRY CLUB GODS Tour Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Eipeldauer
2016 II 21st UK Manchester ST. MARGARETS CHURCH GODS Tour Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Eipeldauer
2016 II 20th UK Bradford DELIUS CENTRE GODS Tour Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Eipeldauer
2016 II 19th UK London CAFE OTO GODS Tour Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Eipeldauer
2016 I 23rd AT Vienna MO.E ¥€$!¥€$!¥€$! Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Krispel-Tootsie-Gründorfer-Edmondes
2015 X 14th AT Vienna MO.E Multiversal Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Tavil-Baltacilar
2014 XII 3rd AT Graz CLUB WAKUUM Interpenetrationen Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Rehformen-Krispel-Drašler
2014 I 17th AT Vienna MO.E Rechtern-Unknown-Anorak
2013 XII 20th AT Vienna MO.E Rechtern-Unknown-Kern
2013 XII 18th AT Vienna Das Werk Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Rehformen-Schörkhuber-Krispl-Mayr
2013 XI 21th AT Vienna VEKKS Rechtern-Unknown-Rehformen-Schörkhuber
2013 V 6th AT Vienna TANZCAFE JENSEITS Kingdom Cum Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Rehformen-Zinman
2013 V 1st AT Vienna GARNISON 7 Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Zinman-Mune-Leitner
2013 II 22nd AT Gallneukirchen Klangfestival Gallneukirchen Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Ernst-Rehformen
2013 I 19th AT Vienna AMANN STUDIOS Live Recording Session #182 Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Ernst-Rehformen-Klug-Vilayleck
2013 I 8th AT Vienna FLUC Wanne Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Ernst-Rehformen-Klug-Vilayleck
2012 X 22nd AT Vienna VEKKS Rechtern-Unknown-Anorak-Holub
2012 IX 13th AT Vienna FLUC Café Where has Jazz Gone? Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Ernst-Rehformen
2012 VIII 4th AT St. Pölten LAMES Parque Del Sol Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Ernst-Rehformen
2012 V 2nd AT Vienna FLUC Café 10 Jahre Fluc Sharrock-Rechtern-Unknown-Ernst
2012 III 20th AT Vienna RHIZ Vienna Rechtern-Unknown-Kern-Ernst
2012 II 8th AT Vienna FLUC Wanne Salon Skug Rechtern-Unknown-Vicard-Dolp
2011 XII 12th AT Vienna DAS WERK Rechtern-Unknown-Schweighart
2011 XI 1st AT Vienna FLUC Café Rechtern-Unknown-Kern
For bookings, public relation inquiries, interview requests, ect. write to mailATintheabyssityofthegroundsDOTnet

2018 X 12th
Live At Le Guess Who Festival 2017
1 Improvisation 1 14:23
2 Improvisation 2 11:26
3 Improvisation 3 24:45
Linda Sharrock: Voice
Mario Rechtern: Voice, Reeds, Violin
Margaret Unknown: Voice, Guitar, Electronics
Farida Amadou: Bass
Jasper Stadhouders: Guitar
Onno Goevart: Voice, Drums
Recorded live at Le Guess Who? November 2017
Photography by Melanie Marsman
Layout by Margaret Unknown